Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Positive Perspectives

Late night ponder..
Thinking about if what I have is worth it.
If what I have is what I want.

Deep down I know that without it I couldn't live the same. But with it I am being held back from going out and living my life.

Some moments are happier than others.
Some days are easier than others.

All I want in life is to have a positive platform underneath me and to be surrounded by people who lift me up.

If being around you makes me feel like I am free dancing in a garden of butterflies, you are the kind of person I want and need in my life.

If you are holding me back from chasing my dreams, I hope I gain the strength to let you slip out of my reach.

Poisonous people can go elsewhere. I know who I want in my life. 

It's all about perspective and making changes.

Lily (love you guys)

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